The Schoolhouse Inc. 14709 E. 35th St. Independence, MO 64055 |
816-373-5938 | K-8 |
Tri-City Christian Elementary 4500 Selsa Blue Springs, MO 64015 |
816-795-1088 | Baptist, P-6 |
Tri-City Christian Junior High 1700 Blue Ridge Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64126 |
816-461-3631 | Baptist, 7-8 |
Tri-City Christian High School 4500 Selsa Blue Springs, MO 64015 |
816-795-1088 | Baptist, 9-12 |
Visitation 5134 Baltimore Kansas City, MO 64112 |
816-531-6220 | Catholic, K-8 |
Xavier Catholic Elementary Schools Main Office 721 Osage Leavenworth, KS 66048 |
913-682-3135 | P-8 |
Leslie is a firm believer in giving back to her community and sharing her success with those that are less fortunate.
She does this by donating a portion of every one of her paychecks to Children's Miracle Network, and by supporting causes that protect and care for the needs of children.